Pā Tōrea Yurt
2024-25 Season
$180 Per Night, 2-night minimum, 2 guests
Queen Bed
Breakfast basics (including locally roasted coffee, tea, cereal, bread & spreads)
All linen and towels
Private beach access
Private outdoor bath and shower
Outside dining with BBQ
Fire Pit
Kitchen area (includes electric double hot plate, toaster, kettle and fridge)
Cooking basics
Shared bathroom unit (includes hot shower, toilet and washing machine)
Special conditions:
3-night minimum public holidays
4-night minimum Christmas & New Year holiday period
2-night minimum all other times.
No smoking or pets
Additional fees:
Cleaning fee - $50
Additional cleaning during your stay (on request) - $40
Additional person - $30 per night (we have a single floor mattress if required)
For availability and bookings, check the availability calendar below and contact Emily on the form provided.
Special Offers
Special Offers
Golden Bay has so much to offer and we would love for you to take time to enjoy this beautiful area and benefit from a slower pace of life. We therefore offer a favourable rate for longer stays.
For 7 nights or more:
15% discount
For 28 nights or more (maximum 90 days):
25% discount
Book a Room
To book, check our availability calendar and contact Emily with your proposed dates and any questions: info@patorea.co.nz, or use the contact form below.